Understanding Improved Antibody Penetration in Cancer Treatment

Understanding Improved Antibody Penetration

Co-administered antibody improves penetration of antibody–dye conjugate into human cancers with implications for antibody–drug conjugates Guolan Lu, Naoki Nishio, and their team address a persistent problem: inadequate penetration of antibody-based cancer treatments into solid tumors. Though antibodies promise a more targeted attack on cancer, delivering them effectively remains a puzzle.     Current Obstacles: Penetration…Read more

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Unlocking the Secrets of ADC Purification: Insights into Ultrafiltration/Diafiltration Techniques in Cancer Treatment Innovations

UF/DF-Based Impurity Removal

Introduction to the Research and Authors Antibody−drug conjugates (ADCs) are prominent cancer treatments. The research, “Strategies for UF/DF-Based Impurity Removal in the Post-conjugation Purification of Antibody−Drug Conjugate”, conducted by Lara Fernandez-Cerezo, Melissa Holstein, and their team, seeks to address purification challenges in ADCs.     Understanding ADCs and Their Importance ADCs combine a small-molecule drug…Read more

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Searchlight Workshop: Revolutionizing ADC Development Timelines

ADC Development Timelines

Initiating Change with Early Testing    The workshop kicked off with a strong emphasis on early testing in ADC development. They explained that early TOX/PK tests, taken during the conjugation phase, could provide a clearer roadmap for later, pricier GLP tox stages. These proactive measures aim to protect substantial investments, ensuring money is well spent.…Read more

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Innovative Approach to Advanced Antibody-Drug Conjugates

Antibody-Drug Conjugates

The Rise of ADCs and Their Current Challenges The recent surge in antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) approvals by the FDA, now totalling eleven, showcases their potential in targeted therapeutics. The majority of these ADCs are produced through cysteine-selective bioconjugation. However, there’s a prevalent challenge with many of these ADCs – they use maleimide functionalized linkers known…Read more

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