Our member stories

Better ADC Manufacturing starts here

Benjamin Fabre, ADC Conjugation Development, Sanofi

“I really believe there is some space in the ADC field to share between companies, to improve they ways of working and navigate the regulatory landscape in an ADC working group like this”

Benjamin Fabre
ADC Conjugation Development
, Sanofi

Guifeng Jiang, Head of Analytical Development, Bolt Biotherapeutics

“This field has a lot of gaps and I’d really like to contribute my expertise and learn from others to help us steer away from the redundancy in the work we are doing in the development or manufacturing of ADCs to benefit the community”

Guifeng Jiang
Head of Analytical Development, Bolt Biotherapeutics

Esohe Idusogie, Head of Process Quality, Analytical Chemistry, Manufacturing & Control, ADC Therapeutics

“I definitely want to be part of the team that sets the stage for ADC development, manufacturing and control. Why wouldn’t you be part of this?”

Esohe Idusogie
Head of Process Quality, Analytical CMC, ADC Therapeutics

Daniel Milano, Senir Director, Process Development, Immunogen

"The ability to share experiences, questions or challenges in an ADC specific network is a tremendously valuable tool”

Daniel Milano
Senior Director, Process Development, Immunogen

Lisa Mcdermott,Director, Process and Analytical Development Chemistry, MilliporeSigma

“A raising tide raises all ships so if we can foster that within this network and have a place where we can store information and resources, things get into the clinic faster, we get more efficient in our processes, and everybody wins”

Lisa McDermott
Director, Process and Analytical Development and Chemistry, MilliporeSigma

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limits. Connect with members. Redefine and realize your business goals
with Searchlight by Hanson Wade.