A source of information
that few know exists

Members get the change to define and prioritize the most pressing challenges we want to tackle, as well as influence how we tackle them. Among the critical challenges your peers want to address include:


What strategies can we implement to scale-up effectively from research to late-stage and commercial ADC manufacturing?


How can we navigate the complex CMC-regulatory landscape for ADCs? What are the limitations and expectations? 


What steps can be taken to ensure the early selection of appropriate methods in the development process to prevent the need for significant changes later on? 


Challenges and best practice in CDMO selection for ADCs 


What steps can we take to move ADCs through development faster? What new innovations are required? 

Innovation doesn’t happen in isolation

Searchlight makes meaningful progress

“A raising tide raises all ships so if we can foster that within this network and have a place where we can store information and resources, things get into the clinic faster, we get more efficient in our processes, and everybody wins”.



“I really believe there is some space in the ADC field to share between companies, to improve they ways of working and navigate the regulatory landscape in an ADC working group like this”.

“The ability to share experiences, questions or challenges in an ADC-specific network is a tremendously valuable tool”.

ADC PDM - Brochure on Ipad (3)

Membership brochure

For more information on what’s included as part of the ADC Process Development & Manufacturing Searchlight membership, please download the membership brochure. 

Here’s what you’ll learn more about: 

  • The unique mission and purpose of the network 
  • What membership includes 
  • How the quarterly cornerstone meetings work 
  • How bespoke value delivery works 
  • How we deliver demonstrable value to you 
  • Annual member investment